The Surprising Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

The Surprising Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: How to Get Started Safely

Intermittent fasting (IF) has become a buzzword in the health and wellness sector all over the world and there is a reason for it. The health index all over the world is changing rapidly and people are going towards more natural ways to cure and improve their health, intermittent fasting stands out as one of the most effective ways to improve your overall health. However, it is important to understand what intermittent fasting is, how it is done, and what benefits it provides to the human body. We will discuss and help you understand all the questions regarding intermittent fasting.

What is intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is not about what the person is eating but more about WHEN you are eating. It is a properly created eating pattern that consists of eating along with fasting for a certain period. Unlike other traditional dieting routines that only consist of calorie restrictions. IF is all about reducing the window of time you eat every day.

There are several popular methods of intermittent fasting:

1. 16/8 Method: Fast for 16 hours and eat during an 8-hour window.

2. 5:2 Diet: Eat normally for five days and restrict calories to about 500–600 on two non-consecutive days.

3. Eat-Stop-Eat: Fast for a complete 24 hours once or twice a week

4. Alternate-Day Fasting: Alternate between fasting and eating every other day.

The Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

1. Weight Loss and Fat Reduction

One of the most popular reasons behind intermittent fasting is weight. People go towards intermittent fasting to lose their weight especially fat. By shortening the consumption window every day you can lose weight because this will let you consume fewer calories. Apart from this, fasting will help you change your energy source from Sugar to fat which will help in burn more fat.

Intermittent fasting can be more effective as compared to a traditional calorie-restricted diet and it also has some other additional benefits apart from the ease to follow it.

2. Improved Metabolic Health

Your metabolism is one of those factors that determine your overall health. Intermittent fasting will reduce your sugar levels, lower insulin resistance, and decrease inflammation. These are very important, especially for those suffering from type-2 diabetes or those on the verge/risk of developing one.

Not to mention how it affects blood cholesterol levels, increasing the production of HGH and boosting the cell healing process. All of the above factors will add their part in better metabolic health reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

3. Enhanced Brain Function

Fasting benefits are not limited to the body but it also has great benefits for the human brain. Studies show that fasting has been proven to improve the cognitive function of the brain and protect it against different neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

4. Longevity and Anti-Aging

One of the most important to keep an eye on the benefit of fasting is its potential to extend lifespan. Age-related diseases can be avoided and slowed down by intermittent fasting shown in animal studies meanwhile human research is underway and it is highly likely to provide similar positive results.

Fasting triggers autophagy, it’s a process where the body cleans itself by eliminating damaged cells and replacing them with new ones. This helps slow down the aging process and increases the life span.

How to Get Started with Intermittent Fasting

Being new to intermittent fasting needs a slow increase in your fasting window each day. Here are some tips to get started with IF.

1. Choose a Method: Choose the method that goes along with your daily routine and lifestyle. Start with it and the popular 16/8 method, it’s easy to start and implement.

2. Stay Hydrated: Drink a lot of water during the fasting window to stay hydrated and it’s good if you use herbal teas and black coffee that will help you more with weight loss. Important to note that you must avoid anything that has calories, especially sugary items. This will kill the whole purpose of fasting.

3. Listen to Your Body: Make sure that you pay close attention to how your body reacts to the way you are fasting. Listen to it and make sure to change your fasting routine if you feel tired, lightheaded, or unwell.

4. Focus on Nutrient-Dense Foods: It is also important to note what diet should be consumed during the no-fasting window. Go for whole and nutrient-rich food. Foods containing fruits, vegetables, protein, and the right amount of healthy fats.

5. Be Patient: Your body needs time to adjust to the new environment you put it in. Stay patient and adjust eating patterns according to the needs of your body while keeping the fasting window in check.


Intermittent fasting is important for the betterment of your health and it should not be considered a trend only. It’s a powerful tool to improve your health and overall well-being. From weight loss to numerous other benefits, intermittent fasting will help you a lot in maintaining great health.

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